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Use Databricks workflows to run dbt Cloud jobs

dbt Core
dbt Cloud


    Using Databricks workflows to call the dbt Cloud job API can be useful for several reasons:

    1. Integration with other ETL processes — If you're already running other ETL processes in Databricks, you can use a Databricks workflow to trigger a dbt Cloud job after those processes are done.
    2. Utilizes dbt Cloud jobs features — dbt Cloud gives the ability to monitor job progress, manage historical logs and documentation, optimize model timing, and much more.
    3. Separation of concerns — Detailed logs for dbt jobs in the dbt Cloud environment can lead to more modularity and efficient debugging. By doing so, it becomes easier to isolate bugs quickly while still being able to see the overall status in Databricks.
    4. Custom job triggering — Use a Databricks workflow to trigger dbt Cloud jobs based on custom conditions or logic that aren't natively supported by dbt Cloud's scheduling feature. This can give you more flexibility in terms of when and how your dbt Cloud jobs run.


    Set up a Databricks secret scope

    1. Retrieve **personal access token **or **Service account token **from dbt Cloud

    2. Set up a Databricks secret scope, which is used to securely store your dbt Cloud API key.

    3. Enter the following commands in your terminal:

    # In this example we set up a secret scope and key called "dbt-cloud" and "api-key" respectively.
    databricks secrets create-scope --scope <YOUR_SECRET_SCOPE>
    databricks secrets put --scope <YOUR_SECRET_SCOPE> --key <YOUR_SECRET_KEY> --string-value "<YOUR_DBT_CLOUD_API_KEY>"
    1. Replace <YOUR_SECRET_SCOPE> and <YOUR_SECRET_KEY> with your own unique identifiers. Click here for more information on secrets.

    2. Replace <YOUR_DBT_CLOUD_API_KEY> with the actual API key value that you copied from dbt Cloud in step 1.

    Create a Databricks Python notebook

    1. Create a Databricks Python notebook, which executes a Python script that calls the dbt Cloud job API.

    2. Write a Python script that utilizes the requests library to make an HTTP POST request to the dbt Cloud job API endpoint using the required parameters. Here's an example script:

    import enum
    import os
    import time
    import json
    import requests
    from getpass import getpass

    dbutils.widgets.text("job_id", "Enter the Job ID")
    job_id = dbutils.widgets.get("job_id")

    account_id = <YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID>
    base_url = "<YOUR_BASE_URL>"
    api_key = dbutils.secrets.get(scope = "<YOUR_SECRET_SCOPE>", key = "<YOUR_SECRET_KEY>")

    # These are documented on the dbt Cloud API docs
    class DbtJobRunStatus(enum.IntEnum):
    QUEUED = 1
    STARTING = 2
    RUNNING = 3
    SUCCESS = 10
    ERROR = 20
    CANCELLED = 30

    def _trigger_job() -> int:
    res =
    headers={'Authorization': f"Token {api_key}"},
    # Optionally pass a description that can be viewed within the dbt Cloud API.
    # See the API docs for additional parameters that can be passed in,
    # including `schema_override`
    'cause': f"Triggered by Databricks Workflows.",

    print(f"API token (last four): ...{api_key[-4:]}")

    response_payload = res.json()
    return response_payload['data']['id']

    def _get_job_run_status(job_run_id):
    res = requests.get(
    headers={'Authorization': f"Token {api_key}"},

    response_payload = res.json()
    return response_payload['data']['status']

    def run():
    job_run_id = _trigger_job()
    print(f"job_run_id = {job_run_id}")
    while True:
    status = _get_job_run_status(job_run_id)
    if status == DbtJobRunStatus.SUCCESS:
    elif status == DbtJobRunStatus.ERROR or status == DbtJobRunStatus.CANCELLED:
    raise Exception("Failure!")

    if __name__ == '__main__':
    1. Replace <YOUR_SECRET_SCOPE> and <YOUR_SECRET_KEY> with the values you used previously

    2. Replace <YOUR_BASE_URL> and <YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID> with the correct values of your environment and Access URL for your region and plan.

      • To find these values, navigate to dbt Cloud, select Deploy -> Jobs. Select the Job you want to run and copy the URL. For example: https://YOUR_ACCESS_URL/deploy/000000/projects/111111/jobs/222222 and therefore valid code would be:

    Your URL is structured https://<YOUR_BASE_URL>/deploy/<YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID>/projects/<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>/jobs/<YOUR_JOB_ID> account_id = 000000 job_id = 222222 base_url = ""

    1. Run the Notebook. It will fail, but you should see a job_id widget at the top of your notebook.

    2. In the widget, enter your job_id from step 4.

    3. Run the Notebook again to trigger the dbt Cloud job. Your results should look similar to the following:

    job_run_id = 123456

    You can cancel the job from dbt Cloud if necessary.

    Configure the workflows to run the dbt Cloud jobs

    You can set up workflows directly from the notebook OR by adding this notebook to one of your existing workflows:

    1. Click Schedule on the upper right side of the page
    2. Click Add a schedule
    3. Configure Job name, Schedule, Cluster
    4. Add a new parameter called: job_id and fill in your job ID. Refer to step 4 in previous section to find your job ID.
    5. Click Create
    6. Click Run Now to test the job

    Multiple Workflow tasks can be set up using the same notebook by configuring the job_id parameter to point to different dbt Cloud jobs.

    Using Databricks workflows to access the dbt Cloud job API can improve integration of your data pipeline processes and enable scheduling of more complex workflows.
